Mehh, well it's 3:20am as I'm typing this, I'm waiting for 6am to roll around. For some reason I don't like going for a run during the day (well no, that's a lie, I do know the reason; it's far too hot) and I don't like going at night (too scurry), so the break of dawn is the time. ANYWHO, I want Bregje Heinen's hair and..uhm, everything express delivered to me, that would be great THANKS! No but for realsies, I do think she's one of the most gorgeous models ever.
My friend Bec dropped off her copy of Frankie for me to borrow since I'm poor now and can't really afford to indulge myself in my magazine addiction. She left a special little Post-It with it so I thought I would take photos :)
Bec's blog of the amazing artwork she makes is here